All CFHTTP does with an action of GET is execute the page specified in the
URL and return the contents to a variable.  You can output this content and
it will look as if you had gone to that page, but you cannot just grab files
(physically) from another machine using this method.  In order to do that
you would need cooperation from whoever you want to take files from; they
would have to make a site that you can hit that would send you files, but
that is a whole other issue entirely:)

Good luck!

Bryan Love ACP
Internet Application Developer

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: retrieve remote images using cfhttp?

i have been trying for the better part of the morning to figure out where i
am going wrong with the CFHTTP tag.
i get a list of about 200 cars two times a week and the majority have photos
(with full url to other sites) but cant seem to figure out how to get CFHTTP
to download an image off of a remote site and save it locally to my hard

suggestions? ideas? help???!!!

here is my non-functional code so far... the header seems to return the
right info, and the mime type is also correct, but the filecontent makes no
sense to me whatsoever and i am unsure if i am doing this right, or if it is
even possible with the CFHTTP tag, or if i should be using some other tag,
or if i should be using something from the allaire developer exchange.

<cfhttp method="GET"

thanks in advance.
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