sorry to keep going on...
i have OutLook 2000, also a mime type for vCalendar File.
so every thing seems to work for me.

but on the OutLook 97 machines they don't have the VCS extension mapped.
so i tried to create it manually but it didn't work.

i have looked at the docs that came with it & am getting no where.

i am also going to want to use this to create part of an app to check out
company resources through out look.
how would i invite another user to a meeting?

any advice, url's, help would be great!

wish there was more info on this....

Thank You


Web Developer, NBBJ
        614 241-3534
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:40 AM
Subject: RE: cfugmay2000 :: VCalendar :: Outlook :: & permission to use

> hello all.
> i found some code i must have grabbed from some cfug zip for may
> 2000. it has a neat vcalendar to insert instances from a db into 
> your outlook calendar.
> just wanted to know if there are more examples like this.
> Also if i can modify the code for my own use in local Intranet
> apps"?
> if you know who did this i would appreciate the contact so i can 
> ask permission to use. also if you have other examples of CF 
> integrating with outlook, i would love to see it.

If you're talking about the vCalendar/iCalendar/vCard example from the DC
CFUG sponsored by Fig Leaf Software, you're free to use the code however you
like. Fig Leaf Software has always released source code shown at CFUGs for
public use. Enjoy!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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