----- Original Message -----
From: "Aidan Whitehall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:27 AM

Yes - having been in the Internet industry in Britain ever since there was one -
I founded one of the first fully national ISP's - I can certainly endorse the
comments of Aidan.

What few hosting companies that have been willing hitherto to support Cold
Fusion will surely do so no longer if the new pricing schema is at it would
appear to be.

Service providers of all types are used to getting things for free - Linux,
Apache, Sendmail etc.., and premium charges for CF are hardly going to encourage
service providers in general to consider actually paying for a server side

I have to say - this is extremely myopic of Macromedia (subject to seeing the
full details) - it will push developers who may have been waivering to ASP/PHP
etc., and other free middleware.

I still firmly believe that the best strategy would be to make CF Server free,
and focus on marketing development tools to a much wider audience as a result.

I think the Netscape browser is a good parallel - they had to make it free and
open source to encourage people to use the portal. No one will pay for browsers
anymore than they will for expensive middleware, when the alternatives are free
and widely supported.

Adrian Cooper.

> Do you know how many companies offer ColdFusion hosting in the UK? I know of
> about 10-15, none of which are large, well-known companies.
> Why? Demon told me it was the cost of the Application Server versus demand.
> There response was "develop in ASP".
> If this pricing policy works its way through, hosting companies in the UK
> are going to be *less* likely to purchase CFAS, not more.
> And of the ones that have, all of them have a "price per domain" pricing
> structure. I was hoping to see "reseller" ColdFusion hosting options appear
> in the UK where you can host multiple domains for a fixed price per month
> (as a developer, that's ideal - we stand to generate monthly revenue the
> more we develop in ColdFusion), but I can't see that happening if this
> announcement comes into effect.
> So, end result, less ColdFusion hosting on offer, hosting prices don't come
> down, people reluctant to go down the ColdFusion route as it seems
> increasingly "marginialised", proprietary and costly to host. ColdFusion
> isn't particularly mainstream in the UK as it is. Why do something that runs
> the risk of making it even less-so?
> This announcement stands to hit hosting companies in the short term and
> developers (who have to source hosting solutions for the applications they
> develop) in the longer term.
> If the price squeeze is enough, ColdFusion Server sales in the UK will
> suffer, the effects of which will cascade down to the point at which
> developers learn other languages and suggest they develop applications in
> those instead.
> Methinks Allaire/Macromedia might be trying to recoup their losses on
> Spectra...
> --
> Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Netshopperuk
> Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
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