Ok, to raise the reliability of hosting providers you think that raising the
price will help? . So theorhetically now hosters with smaller budgets who
have less expensive / reliable servers wont offer CF Hosting and all of the
sudden CF Servers dont crash?
As a smaller hoster whos web servers have excellent uptime, 5 hours total in
2000! We get calls all the time from people talking about the unreliability
of some of the larger hosters servers. Got two seperate calls in the last
two days about a certain CF host who advertises in CFDev Journal as a matter
of fact...I bet they are gonna offer CF5 shared hosting too. We wont.

Macromedia pricing out the little guys does nothing to increase the
reliability of hosting, it only decreases competition, which lowers overall
quality in the long run.

Improving reliability out of the box...jesus, even the damn phrase is
getting me pissed off. It's an arrogant cocky ignorant thing to say to a
server admin who gets up at 3am to check why the smtp server all of the
sudden stopped responding for 3 minutes. Only to find out it fixed itself by
the time I bump myself to the computer.

Woohoo! Macromedia raised their prices, my servers wont talk to me anymore
like in those MS commercials! What a load of bs.

----- Original Message -----
From: "C. Hatton Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: FAQ POSTED: New CF5 Partner Hosting License

> There is now an official definition of the Cold Fusion 5.0 Hosting Service
> Provider edition available at:
> http://www.allaire.com/products/coldfusion/cf5hostingfaq.html.  It was
> posted on one of the other lists I'm on and I'm suprised it didn't make it
> here.
> I'm glad I waited to chime in... this is actually looking to me to read
> an improvement rather than a money grab.  Anything to improve the
> reliability "out of the box" for any of the hosting providers is a big
> I've dealt with two, one that didn't care beyond the collections
> and another that bent over backwards to help.  In both instances the
> hit periods of problematic operation.  Now I'm hoping this version will
> stabilize things a bit.
> (*resubmits his purchase request for the CF Developers Cert Study Guide*)
> Enjoy the weekend!
> Hatton Humphrey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 6:50 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: New CF5 Partner Hosting License
> A/MM just posted to the list a nice rundown on what's happening. Close
> enough for the weekend.
> > > Don't panic yet. I believe a FAQ is in the works that will explain all
> > this.
> > > Stay tuned.
> >
> >
> >
> > Ahh, but will the FAQ arrive before we all spend the weekend planning
> > alternatives?  :)
> >
> >
> >
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