That depends... If you the only app running on the box, fine, let it go to
full utilization and get the job done fast as possible... However this
almost never the case.  Write some code to stagger the email.  It is also
possible you're running into that CFMAIL bug someone was speaking of.

I've heard of a CFMAIL replacement tag that is a lot better.  That's
definitely one area CF could improve.  At LEAST give us the capability to
specify a username/password.  We have a server that's just for mail, but we
authenticate based on username & password not IP.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 7:50 PM
Subject: E-newsletter kills our server - any ideas?

> When we send our weekly e-newsletter (list of 8500 emails) our network guy
> complains that we're putting our server up to 100% and it kills the shop
> (asp, MS Site Server Commerce) and the site only comes up again after a re
> boot.
> Can anyone give any suggestions as to whether putting the server up to
> 100% usage would be such a huge problem?   I thought that was the idea -
> to use full processing power to do the job as fast as possible.  If it
> isnt desirable,  how can I reduce the demand on teh server that this email
> uses?   (It's just a CFMAIL app sending a plain text email to addresses
> pulled from our SQLServer7 database).
> If it's OK to have the server at 100%, what else might be causing this
> kind of problem that I'm getting blamed for?
> Cheers,
> Mike Kear
> AFP Webworks,
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
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