On 5/3/01 9:56 AM Chris Montgomery wrote:

> Quick question....is it possible to have a URL redirect to a secure URL? For
> example, someone enters http://www.xxxblahxxx.com/secure/securepage.cfm
> instead of  https://www.xxxblahxxx.com/secure/securepage.cfm. How do you
> force a redirect to the secure URL? Is that a server function, or can it be
> done programmatically?

Programmatically, using IIS this should work:

<cfif cgi.https is "off">
    <cflocation url="https://#cgi.server_name##cgi.path_info#";>

I don't know if the cgi.https variable is there for other servers, which is
why I specified IIS.

- Sean
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