I have a very simple piece of HTML with a "button" in it. 

I have placed the simple little page @
http://www.jasonstevens.com/netscape.html .

Here is the code: 

        <title>Netscape: The ultimate in browsing technology!</title>
   <td align="center">
   <input type="BUTTON" name="back" value="Make Changes to My Order"
onClick="javascript: window.history.go(-1);"> &nbsp; 
   <input type="submit" name="Approve Order" value="Approve Order">

According to netscape's site (
http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/htmlguid/tags10.htm#1312379 ),
this should function. Does anyone have a clue why this isn't working in
netscape? It's simply amazing to me, it works in IE (of course) but it even
works in Opera 5 !?! Yet, not in Netscape. So I would assume that I have
made an error somewhere that is simply interpreted or assumed by the other 2
browsers? Any help would be OUTSTANDING as I have been banging my head on
the monitor for over 2 and a half hours now.

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