> I am using solaris/NetscapeWebServer/CFServer4.5 and am 
> trying to use the cfx_make_tree tag. I am new to the solaris 
> environment so I am not sure that I am doing this correctly.  
> I have tried to put the dll in both the webserver root and 
> pointing the server to that directory and the /opt directory.  
> In all cases i get the following error when using the tag. Can 
> anyone shed some light for me on what I am doing wrong? In the 
> below example I tried with the cfx_make_tree.dll file in my 
> webserver root in a directory called CFXDLLs.

Unfortunately, CFX tags aren't cross-platform, so you can't simply take one
that works on Windows and use it on Solaris. You'd need to modify the source
code so that it would work, then compile it on Solaris. To the best of my
knowledge, very few people are using CFX tags on Solaris because of this.

If this project sounds like too much work, you might use a regular CFML
custom tag instead. I would guess that there's a CFML equivalent to
CFX_MAKETREE on the Developers' Gallery. Of course, it won't run as fast in
most cases, I guess.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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