Suggestions, Please:

I am having a little bit of a problem coming up with the best way to offer a
Print This page template, that will include a template and its content
without being within the surrounding site code - using something like
'#getfilefrompath(cgi.script_name)#' and serve up the main or middle content
of the page within a printable page.

I have tried a few things like passing a URL string through to a
"no_app/print_page.cfm" and try to include the template URL in the print
template, but, of course, it won't let me pass variables into the
<CFINCLUDE> tag...just the page name.  But I need to pass in a url like this
which points to specific content that I get out of a database:

Any help would be appreciated, as I am at wit's end trying to figure out the
easiest way to accomplish this...and then have a "Print this Page" link of
any and every page of the site.

Thanks a ton in advance,
Brandon Wood

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