
>We're having consistency problems using the FileMaker ODBC driver to
>allow ColdFusion 4.5.1 to insert records into a FileMaker database and
>I'm wondering if anyone on the list has experience with this sort of
>datasource.  When I talked to FileMaker's technical support, they told
>me that they hadn't tested their ODBC driver with ColdFusion and that
>they therefore wouldn't be able to help further.

Where do I start ?  OY!

STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!   You will endlessly beat yourself
senseless with trying to get this working "RELIABLY".  

Have a scared you yet ?  Good.  Then perhaps you will listen
to a lil bit of reasoning.  Right after FMP 5 was released and Allaire
announced that FMP was a "viable" datasource for CF to look at I jumped
at the chance to try it out.  I was greatly disappointed.  FMP isn't a viable
datasource for CF for the most notable reason that until FMP becomes
a multithreaded-aware application its datasources are limited to sequential
access.  IE: SLOW!  Dont go there.  Even with its native CDML web-development
environment FMP is slow by comparison to a true SQL database.
Just don't go there.

Furtther still...

The ODBC driver that FMP uses is about 2 years out of date and 
MERANT sold the rights to develop the driver to FMI and they've
sat on the damned thing.  They could dominate a market in a vacuum
but they dont.  It thoroughly annoys the hell out of me.  My favorite
database is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine when
it comes to SQL calls. The drivers are next to useless.

And by the way, that "technical" support line for FMI is about
as useful as that same screen door when it comes to this sort
of thing...these folks know about as much about SQL and ODBC 
as a small kitchen appliance does.  Probably less.  OY!

There is another solution and it means some work arounds....
But they may be what you are looking for...just whatever you do...
dont go looking to FMI for a whole lot of help.  

A good place to start...and probably the best in the field for
what you are wanting to PDM.

That will get you where you want to go.

Good luck.  You'll need it.

M i l e s.

MagicMiles Software

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. 
Though passion may have strained, it must not break our 
bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory will swell 
when again touched as surely they will be by the better 
angels of our nature."   - Abraham Lincoln.

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