In the end portion of the tag you need to set ThisTag.GeneratedContent to 
nothing. Do this after you output what you need to output.

At 11:38 AM 7/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Please tell me if the following is possible, and how: I want to stifle
>the output of the area between <cf_MyTag> and </cf_MyTag>.
>Here is a simplified example: I the following output: "Hello World, I
>do want to display this sentence."
>### Calling script ###:
>Hello, World, I do NOT want to display this sentence.
>### MyTag.cfm (custom tag) ###:
><cfoutput>#ReplaceNoCase(ThisTag.GeneratedContent, 'do NOT',
>Currently, this displays:
>"Hello, World, I do NOT want to display this sentence. Hello, World, I
>do want to display this message." (Obviously, I don't want the first
>sentence displayed.)
>Is this best handled by <cfsetting cfoutputonly="yes">, or is there
>another way that's already built into the custom tag framework?
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