Is CFREPORT still in use?  I know it's supported, but can't seem to get it
to work.  More importantly, is it a feasible option for dumping reports to
the screen? or should we use another method (maybe dynamic PDF files)?

With regards to my troubles with CFREPORT, I'm getting the following error:

Error occurred while processing CFREPORT
 An unexpected error occurred while using the Crystal Engine.
 Error number 506 ocurred (Error in File
c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CAA\EPMS\crystal\Report1.rpt: Invalid table number.).
 Crystal Library = C:\WINNT\system32\CRPE32.DLL (2/10/2001 1:43) 
 DLL Version = 8.80, Engine Version = 8.80
 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFREPORT), occupying document position (38:1) to (41:2).

After some research I have discovered this is a problem with CF and Crystal
8, and that adding the undocumented TYPE attribute to the CFREPORT tag
should fix the problem.  However, when I add the TYPE tag, using Netscape or
Microsoft, I still get the error.

Is this a problem with my Crystal installation perhaps?

Thanks for any help.

Shawn Grover

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