I'd be willing to bet Hamid meant that:

For each 0 or 1 book, 0 or Many Authors
For each 0 or 1 book, 0 or Many Categories
For each 0 or 1 book, 0 or Many Languages

The problem with his scheme is that as soon as many authors or many
categories or many languages, you get a Cartesian Join of sorts:

3 Authors * 3 Categories * 3 Languages = 27 Book entries.

With a union, you can avoid having 9 entries and end up with 9.  That seems
to be the only way to output each book -> parameter relationship.

SELECT BookName, Author AS Property, 'Authors' As PropertyType
        FROM tblBooks LEFT OUTER JOIN tblAuthors ON
                tblBooks.BookID = tblAuthors.BookID
SELECT BookName, Category AS Property, 'Categories' As PropertyType
        FROM tblBooks LEFT OUTER JOIN tblCategries ON
                tblBooks.BookID = tblCategries.BookID
SELECT BookName, Languages AS Property, 'Languages' As PropertyType
        FROM tblBooks LEFT OUTER JOIN tblLanguages ON
                tblBooks.BookID = tblLanguages.BookID

This will run slow as heck.  Instead, I strongly suggest using cfquery three
times if you don't need to derive this table and make it relational.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 2:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: come on Forta !

Come on Forta! I knew that should be a linker table
for all many to many relations. I tried to shorten the

I am a good student who read most of your books, Ben.

still need the help:

 Books --- BookAuthors --- Authors
        |- BookCategories --- Categories
        |- BookLanguages --- Languages

As you can see, Three tables are linked to (Books)
table in many to many relations. I want to output a
list of all books with all (Authors), (Categories)
and (Languages) of each single book.
Could you please help me with the best way doing
that. In another way, Can I do it with a single

Hamid Hossain

--- Ben Forta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not the ideal design, change it to this:
> Books --- BookAuthors --- Authors
>        |
>        |- BookCategories --- Categories
>        |
>        |- BookLanguages --- Languages
> All relationships are one to many (one on the left
> and right, many in the
> center). Will make your life much easier.
> --- Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: come on Forta !
> Hi folks,
> I'v just ordered Ben Forta's new book. I am
> woundering
> if I will find a way to solve this problem. I have
> the
> following database tables:
>                 ------- many -- Authors
>                 |              (Table)
>                 |
>                 |
>                 |
>  Books - many --------- many -- Categories
> (Table)         |               (Table)
>                 |
>                 |
>                 |
>                 ------- many -- Languages
>                                 (Table)
> As you can see, Three tables are linked to (Books)
> table in many to many relations. I want to output a
> list of all books with all (Authors), (Categories)
> and
> (Languages) of each single book.
> Could you please help me with the best way doing
> that.
> In another way, Can I do it with a single query?!.
> Any CF code will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Hamid Hossain
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