All you need to do is change the '=' to '*=' where applicable and you should
be fine. As far as ansi 88 syntax is concerned, I use it all the time. So
much cleaner then the new-fangled tripe microsoft pushes.

Good luck,

Alexander Sicular
Chief Technology Architect
Neurological Institute of New York
Columbia University
as867 [at] columbia {dot} edu

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Costas Piliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:53 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: come on Forta !
|Ansi 88 Syntax!
|Haven't seen that since Btrieve!
|Are you even allowed to use that in most current databases?
|By the way, your joins are all inner joins.  Won't work for this guy.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 4:38 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: come on Forta !
|Select Books.*
|From   Books, 
|       BookAuthors, 
|       BookCategories,
|       BookLanugage,
|       Authors,
|       Categories,
|       Languages
|Where Books.BookID = BookAuthors.BookID
|       AND BookAuthors.AuthorID = Authors.AuthorID
|       AND Books.BookID = BookCategories.BookID
|       AND BookCategories.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID
|       AND Book.BookID = BookLanguages.BookID
|       AND BookLanguages.LanguageID = Languages.LanguageID
|This will do what you want.  However, it will only show books 
|that have a Author, Category, AND a language.  A book with 
|only an author wouldn't show up.
|To get around that problem, you would need to use LEFT OUTER 
|JOINS on the tables in the where clause.
|Hope that helps.
|Shawn Grover
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 3:39 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: come on Forta !
|Come on Forta! I knew that should be a linker table
|for all many to many relations. I tried to shorten the
|I am a good student who read most of your books, Ben.
|still need the help:
| Books --- BookAuthors --- Authors
|        |
|        |- BookCategories --- Categories
|        |
|        |- BookLanguages --- Languages
|As you can see, Three tables are linked to (Books)
|table in many to many relations. I want to output a
|list of all books with all (Authors), (Categories)
|and (Languages) of each single book.
|Could you please help me with the best way doing
|that. In another way, Can I do it with a single
|Hamid Hossain
|--- Ben Forta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> Not the ideal design, change it to this:
|> Books --- BookAuthors --- Authors
|>        |
|>        |- BookCategories --- Categories
|>        |
|>        |- BookLanguages --- Languages
|> All relationships are one to many (one on the left
|> and right, many in the
|> center). Will make your life much easier.
|> --- Ben
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:52 AM
|> To: CF-Talk
|> Subject: come on Forta !
|> Hi folks,
|> I'v just ordered Ben Forta's new book. I am
|> woundering
|> if I will find a way to solve this problem. I have
|> the
|> following database tables:
|>                 ------- many -- Authors
|>                 |              (Table)
|>                 |
|>                 |
|>                 |
|>  Books - many --------- many -- Categories
|> (Table)         |               (Table)
|>                 |
|>                 |
|>                 |
|>                 ------- many -- Languages
|>                                 (Table)
|> As you can see, Three tables are linked to (Books)
|> table in many to many relations. I want to output a
|> list of all books with all (Authors), (Categories)
|> and
|> (Languages) of each single book.
|> Could you please help me with the best way doing
|> that.
|> In another way, Can I do it with a single query?!.
|> Any CF code will be appreciated.
|> Regards,
|> Hamid Hossain
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