oh yeah brings back memories of "brief"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duane Boudreau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2001 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: Vote on ColdFusion Enhancements!

> One of the things I'd love to see in Studio is ability to select/highlight
> text both at the Row and the Column level. I use Studio for everything,
> imcluding editing text files. When working with character delimted text
> files is would be really nice to be able to select enitre columns of text.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Terry Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:13 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Vote on ColdFusion Enhancements!
> >
> >
> > Hi cf-talk,
> >
> > We're deep in the middle of the design and development for the
> > next major release of ColdFusion and are looking for some good
> > input on ColdFusion enhancements.  Below is a link to an
> > enhancement-tracking application that we've put online temporarily.
> > Inside you will find over 200 CF enhancement requests that we have
> > received and logged over the past year that you may vote on or add
> > to.
> >
> > You will need to create a simple account to vote. Note that this
> > system will only be available publicly for two days as we need to
> > put this application on a solid server before opening up
> > permanently -- we'd just like some quick feedback now.
> >
> > http://syndication.allaire.com/vote/
> >
> > Your detailed input is important.  Please post comments in the
> > app beside any features or enhancements that interest you.  Not
> > only is your vote important, but also descriptions about how you'd
> > use such a feature or a story about how you needed such a feature
> > in the past.  Please be as verbose as possible when posting --
> > more info, the better!  Feel free to not only vote on items but to
> > also add your own items.
> >
> > Standard disclaimer:
> >
> > Other variables go into the blender of feature definition.
> > 100 votes for "I'd like CF to emulate the Vic-20" does not
> > necessarily mean that this feature will make the cut.  This is
> > simply one of a number of methods that we're using to help guide
> > product development.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Terry
> > ColdFusion Product Management
> >
> >
> >
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