> Thanks for the response, but I am unclear on a few things:
> Apparently the GetHTTPRequestData() allows you to access an XML 
> (SOAP) packet that has been sent to you in an HTTP header... 
> eliminating the need for a form post.
> If I wanted to code both ends of this application to application 
> transmission in CF 5:
>    how would the sender create the HTTP header to be sent to 
> the receiver?
>    how would the sender send it to the receiver?
>    how would the receiver create a response header?  cfheader?
>    how would the receiver return the response?
> Are there any references or examples of doing both ends of 
> this with CF?

When you use HTTP as a SOAP transport mechanism, the SOAP envelope is
typically placed not within an HTTP header, but within the body of an HTTP
POST request. Here's what that might look like:

POST /team/webcontrols/mathservice.asmx HTTP/1.0
SOAPAction: http://tempuri.org/Add
Content-Type: text/xml
Referer: http://localhost/soap/dhtmlclient/mathservicedemo.html
Content-Length: 476
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows.NT.5.0)
Host: www.fmexpense.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: no-cache

<?xml version='1.0'?>
                <Add xmlns='http://tempuri.org/'>
                        <a xsi:type="xsd:int"
                        <b xsi:type="xsd:int"

The problem with reading the body of the POST prior to CF 5 is that it's
expecting typical form variable encoding - name-value pairs.

For some incredibly oversimplified sample code, you might look here:

This contains two SOAP topics covered at the June DC-CFUG, as well as some
other stuff. Next month, I'm doing a follow-up SOAP topic with more
worthwhile code samples.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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