I have set up a cold fusion page- I want the queries of that page to
populate my pdf.  So the steps I take are:
1. set up pdftoolkit
2 set openinputFile.
3. set up queries
4. Output queries
5. In the cfoutput query statement add SetFormFieldData 
6. Tlkt.CopyForm/Tlkt.ClearQueries
7. Go open new pdf form

-I don't need a set openoutputfile since I'm using queries from the same
page. Is that correct?
- Do I need any special commands that say to use the queries. I thought that
the the CopyForm command is what I should use, but I want to make sure.
- Do I output the SetFormFieldData inside or outside the cfoutput statement?
- What is the correct way to use the SetFormFieldData in cf? I have used
<CFSET Name= Tlkt.SetFormFieldData(NAME,"#NAME#", 1)> and <CFSET Name=
Tlkt.SetFormFieldData(NAME,#NAME#, 1)> (no quotation marks around the
variable #NAME#)

I have not gotten my pdf to work correctly.  I know my queries are fine- I
can output them to just a regular page- I just can't get it to populate the
pdf.  I am adding my code, maybe you can spot something that I missed.

I appreciate any help.  I apologize- my head has been extremely thick when
it comes to this activepdf stuff- I don't mean to flood the list, but.....

<!---Set up pdftoolkit/openinputfile---->
<CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" TYPE="COM" CLASS=APToolkit.Object NAME="Tlkt">
<CFSET  R = Tlkt.OpenInputFile("RCard4_5.PDF")>
<CFSET DSN="http://Server/GradeCards.mdb";>

<!---Set up query--->
<CFQUERY NAME="StudentPrint" DATASOURCE="#Request.maindsn#">
FROM ASTU_AllSchools

<!---Output variables through cfoutput/ set up SetFormFieldData--->
<CFOUTPUT QUERY= "StudentPrint">
<CFSET NAME = "#StudentPrint.FIRSTNAME#  #StudentPrint.LASTNAME#">

<CFSET Name= Tlkt.SetFormFieldData(NAME,"#NAME#", 1)>
<!---Copy to pdf then clear query--->
<CFSET R=Tlkt.CopyForm(0,0)>
<CFSET R=Tlkt.ClearQueries()>
<CFSET Tlkt="">
<!---Open new pdf file with data---->

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