At 3:39 PM -0400 9/9/01, Jon Hall wrote:


>or .Net's CLR..... We are able to develop .Net apps in Javascript,
>VBScript, Perl, Python (same as wsh)... I'd love to see CF added to that
>list. Why reinvent the wheel? .Net is an open spec...and preinstalled on
>all future machines. A few proprietary extensions here and there and CF
>becomes the preferred .net dev environment. This would be cake to
>implement now that I think about it. All you need is a CF parser...

What is .net CLR?

Is it supported on 'Nix and the Mac?

Where can I get more info?

>Using the JVM seems more plausible to me though. Just as easy to
>implement and it's been around longer. Again all we need is a CF parser
>on top of the JVM, and a way to control the interface (DOM...). Heh,
>  actually that is what Neo is going to be anyway. Just add a way to
>embed a browser and we are in business.

Sounds like you're getting jazzed!


>I think the real strength of the whole concept is using HTML/DOM for UI
>design. Fully implemented (as in Mozilla, IE6 is close) it is much more
>powerful and easier to write good looking UI's for applications in html,
>than in VB, Delphi, or Java. We are not talking huge apps here anyway.
>Looking at the cool dhtml stuff at
>or Mozilla's integrated IRC chat all implemented in javascript,  I'd bet
>I'm not the only guy who wants to take my CF apps and bring them to the
>desktop. As web developers we have a lot of experience in UI design
>already anyway.

Yes, I think MS realized that the browser will become the generic desktop UI.
>CF as a language is very narrowly focused on the web. After a few years
>as developers master it they naturally want to move on to more powerful
>languages. If developers have the ability to develop desktop 
>applications with CF, the language becomes much more attractive, since
>there is room for growth. This is what Microsoft has done with
>VB/VBScript and JScript/
><cf_toaster> anyone?

Yeah... and no DIM statements!


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