I'm from Turkey, I will be happy If I can do something from here.

Just let me know,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yager, Brian T Contractor/NCCIM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:13 AM
Subject: RE: Terrorism

> Alright people...We have all had a chance to voice our views.  Let's now
> think about what we can do help the victims.
> Brian Yager
> President - North AL Cold Fusion Users Group
> Sr. Systems Analyst
> (256) 842-8342
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Freddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 5:21 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Terrorism
> Hmmmmm.... do religions that worship "a different god"  not count? Take a
> count.... most wars have religious as well as polical motivations. Did I
> say "be an athiest" all I said was that more atrocities are committed in
> name of "God".
> Though wars do kill people and the results can be atrocious that does not
> them all atrocities. However if you look behind the scenes of some of the
> you mention below you will see that organized religion had a hand in it.
> I do not expect to change your mind I am just stating my opinion. You do
> have to imply my religion, or in your opinion, my lack of religion is
> my opinion. I am just an afficiado of history and can name a few
atrocities that
> were religious in their roots. The Holocost, the spanish inquisition, the
> crusades, the persecution of christians by the Roman Empire to name those
> reletively "modern" religion. I am sure the atrocities commited by
believers of
> polytheism or  tribal religions were done in the name of their "gods" as
> I did not mean to attack your "God" I am just stating that people will do
> anything they believe is "right" in the eyes of their "God" and they
rarely feel
> any remorse or moral responsibility for the acts they have committed
against the
> innocents.
> Tell me where are the morals of someone who has blown up an airplane full
> people while fighting their Jihad? Or the morals of someone who has killed
> abortion clinic doctor because they "kill babies".
> Do not attempt to attack my spirtituality. It runs very deep. To my
knowledge I
> have never caused physical harm to any innocents nor backed down where it
was my
> duty to protect someone. Life is precious and worth protecting no matter
> "God" they believe in.
> Thanks,
>  Frederic
> Brian Fox wrote:
> > > If you look
> > > throughout history you
> > > will see that more atrocities have been perpetrated in the
> > > name of God than
> > > for any other reason.
> >
> > Who coined this statement?  It's been used, almost verbatim, so many
> > that it has to have some source.
> >
> > I'm really baffled by it.  Did someone count up the body counts of
> > Stalingrad, Pearl Harbor, the US Civil War, the French Revolution,
> > the Great's casualties, etc etc etc etc and find a common religious
> > What about atrocities that predated monotheism?  polytheism?  tribal
> > religions?
> >
> > It seems to be a self defeating argument.  If religion is an opiate,
> > atheism is the truth.  But then how the heck do you introduce morals
> > the picture?  I mean, how do you define 'atrocity'?  Atheism after all
> > down to 'shit happens.'
> >
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