Session vars aren't related to the type of browser you're using. The only
dependency on the browser is that it must perpetuate the cfid and cftoken
values. This is usually done through a cookie. If Nutscrape has cookies
turned off for whatever reason and you are not passing the values from page
to page via the URL then the session vars won't exist on the next page as
the server will have no idea who you are. As a test try outputting
#session.cfid# #session.cftoken# on all your pages. If the numbers change on
each page then the server is issuing new ones as you haven't reminded it
what the first ones were.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: t nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 September 2001 22:08
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Yet another reason why I hate Netscape
> Hi all,
> I am working on an application which uses some a session
> variables. It works
> perfectly in IE (of course), however when I try to load the exact same
> page(s) in netscape the variable does not exist. I even went so far as to
> write a couple of simple test pages.
> All they do is set a session variable then pass it to another
> page. Again I
> tried it in IE and it works fine but then when I tried it in
> netscape, the
> variable doesn't exist.
> Here is my session variable:
> <cflock scope="SESSION" timeout="300">
>     <cfset SESSION.vTest = "True">
> </cflock>
> I know that I can pass variables to subsequent pages in a number of
> different ways. However, my question is: Do session variables simply not
> work in Netscape? If they do work is there some setting/syntax I am
> forgetting or should be examining?
> If this helps I am using both Netscape Navigator(4.08) and Netscape(6).
> Thanks in advance,
> Nelson
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