For those interested I used the following code snippet which I added to FormUrl2Attributes.cfm
<!--- Check wether this string has a "_string_" end. if so, remove the trailing "_" ---> <!--- This "_" was placed so cold fusion's server side validation doesn't break my form value ---> <CFIF NOT REFindNoCase("[[:alnum:]]+_[[:alpha:]]+_$", strFieldName ) IS 0> <!--- Do the replace ---> <CFSET strStructFieldName = REReplaceNoCase(strFieldName, "_$", "" )> <CFELSE> <!--- No replace required, so just copy field ---> <CFSET strStructFieldName = strFieldName> </CFIF> Replace the strStructFieldName with your own variable names if you wish to adopt this code. Leon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the mailserver that powers this list at FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: