Forget everything I said in my last email.  : ha, ha:  They don't make it 
obvious, though.

At 09:02 AM 10/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joshua Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 8:55 AM
>Subject: Why can't I buy JUST CFStudio 5?
> > Why is it that Macromedia insists on bundling CFStudio5 and UltraDev 4
> > together? Why can't I buy just CFStudio5? I can get JRun Studio, I can buy
> > UltraDev without CFStudio, I can buy HomeSite but I can't buy just
> > CFStudio5. I already own UltraDev4 and I really don't want to pay extra to
> > have a second copy just to get CFStudio5 ... what's the logic behind this?
> >
> > Also, quit making it sound like it's one product. It's not. It's 2
> > applications, proabably on 2 different CDs that you have to install one at
> > time. What's the deal with trying to make it sound like it's one product
> > that has all these new features? It's the same UltraDev4 that's been
> > for over a year - only Studio is new. Selling bundles is nice, but why
> > customers into buying a more expensive bundle when they already paid $300
> > for one half of it? UltraDev is nice, but I really don't need 2 copies at
> > $250-$300 each for one developer.
> >
> > When you make them one product, then it will make sense, but now you're
> > confusing people into thinking that they're getting some hybrid of the two
> > in one application - and they're not getting that at all.
> >
> > Why the hassle Macromedia? Just sell CFStudio as a standalone product!
> >
> > Joshua Miller
> > Web Development::Programming
> > Eagle Technologies Group, Inc.
> >
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