
  The key is not to do an immediate redirect. If you
do that, it's just running the CF page all over again.
Let the invisible frame run the .cfm report and notify
the visible frame when it's done.
  After being notified, the visible page doesn't load
the reports page directly (this would run the report
all over again). Instead, it load the variable into
which the reports page has stored all its processed

--- Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I'd suggest the following
> > 
> > <frameset>
> >   <visible frame> This displays "Your report is
> being
> > generated". It contains javascript that reloads
> itself
> > every 15 seconds and checks to see whether a
> variable
> > session.reportDone EQ TRUE. If yes, it returns the
> > contents of session.reportResults
> >   <hidden frame> this calls your report.cfm page.
> > report.cfm starts by setting
> session.reportDone=FALSE.
> > When it finishes, it writes its output into a
> variable
> > session.reportResults and sets
> session.reportDone=TRUE
> > (Make sure you write to reportResults before you
> write
> > to reportDone)
> > </frameset>
> I've tried several variations on the frames theme
>  - visible frame loads "your report is being
> created" page
>  - invisible frame triggers the report generation
> page
> This works, but to remove the frames, there's a link
> in the display page
> with TARGET="_top". However, when you click that
> link, it takes *forever* to
> go to the next page.
>  - visible frame redirects with JavaScript to the
> "your report is being
> created" page
>  - invisible frame triggers the report generation
> page
> This works, but takes an age to do the JS redirect.
> My next thought was to try using CFX_HTTP with
> VERB="head" instead of CFHTTP
> on the trigger template. Presumably that will start
> the process without
> having to wait for the body to be returned.
> And until I can get a copy of CFX_HTTP, I'll give
> Alistair's suggestion a
> go.
> -- 
> Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Macromedia ColdFusion Developer
> Fairbanks Environmental +44 (0)1695 51775

I-Lin Kuo
Macromedia CF5 Advanced Developer
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

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