In my experience I just say forget about the old search engines... well
especially in this time....

Google is a major search player and we receive a lot of traffic from them on
our sub pages... Altavista does it right (last generation leader)...

Hotbot and AOL need retooled.. otherwise one or both of them will start
using the new stuff :)

Although this isn't probably acceptable to recommend, we do it and receive
traffic... Know your market... Might not hold true...

I would love to hear more about anyone's creation(s) to handle this and make
things appear like flat files and the parser they wrote.. anyone have code
to share :) ?

Anyone have any of the old threads or links on this general topic readily


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 18:18
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Marketing and ColdFusion web sites

OK, I see it but I don't understand it ;D.  What does all that do?  Is this
an extended meta tag info system that crawlers all use (assuming I'm looking
at the right stuff).

p.s. Looks like you have some CF stuff sitting outside CFOUTPUT tags.  Lines
164, 170 and 171 of the html output.
Matt Robertson    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.,

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
from: Peter Tilbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 09:59:46 +1100

Damn, strips out code. Try looking at the source code of the page at

At 09:49 10/11/01 +1100, you wrote:
>Couldn't you just use the Dublin Core method of identifying your site/page
>content? eg:
>At 09:25 9/11/01 +0000, you wrote: >A client has been speaking to someone
>who offers marketing services for web >sites. They've recommended (i)
>altering query strings and (ii) renaming .cfm >extensions to .html and
>configuring the web server to parse .html files > >Couple of questions
>spring to mind... > >1) I've used plainURL to convert the query string
>to >index.cfm/SomethingID-1... is that good enough? He's recommended
>continuous >slashes, like index.cfm/Something/1 (but if you do that it's a
>pain not >having 2 delimiters). > >2) They said that whilst some search
>engines didn't have a problem with .cfm >file extensions, 6 out of the top
>15 (I think they were the numbers quoted) >did. AOL and HotBot were
>mentioned. I did searches for ".cfm" and >"ColdFusion" on them and a stack
>of sites running ColdFusion appeared. Is he >talking market-speak? (ie
>b*****ox). > >3) The hosting is with CFXHosting on their $100pm advanced
>option. Does >anyone here know if they would map .html files to ColdFusion
>for a specific >folder (ie would altering the IIS mapping for .html be a
>server wide >modification, or can you constrain it to a particular user
>folder and below >only?) > > > >Thanks > >-- >Aidan Whitehall >Macromedia
>ColdFusion Developer >Fairbanks Environmental +44 (0)1695 51775 > > >

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