Hi david,
        Yeah actually I expired all the old cookies before beginning
> <cfcookie name="repname" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="cfid" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="cftoken" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="repid" expires="NOW">
 Just to make sure that the old cookies no longer existed.  On top of 
that I
had the trainer of the course walk through a manual deletion of all 
on each machine.  the problem still persisted.

Bryan Langford 

National Customer Operations 
Enterprise Services & Strategic Planning
Training Development and Design Team. 
Desk: 714-695-4824
Cell: 714-270-8451


-----Original Message-----
From: David Cummins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFCookie and the old switcharoo - help!

Sounds like there are old cookies on those machines from previous 
Maybe some machines now have cookie setting switched off, but of course 
cookies are still there. Try one of the machines with problems - turn 
prompting on, etc. Maybe change the name of the cookie to rule out that


"Langford, Bryan" wrote:
> Hey everyone,
>         Anyone that read my recent posts "CFCOOKIE and the old
> I am still looking for any other suggestion before I revert to using
> sessions instead of cookies.  The basic problem is that I have a 
> user environment, a class room of students, each log in to take the 
> Page1:
> <cfform action="repreverification.cfm" method=post>
> <cfoutput>
>   <p> <br>
>   <table width="75%" border="0">
>     <tr>
>       <td width="50%">Welcome Back #cookie.repname#:</td>
>       <td width="50%">
>         <input type="hidden" name="RepName" 
>       </td>
>     </tr>
>     <tr>
>       <td width="50%" align="right">ID:</td>
>       <td width="50%">
>         <CFinput type=text name="RepID" maxlength="5" 
message="Your ID
> be 5 digits in length" size=20 required="Yes"> <b>(First 5 digits 
> SSN.)</b>
>       </td>
>     </tr>
>   </table>
>   If you are not #cookie.repname# <a 
> here</a>
>   <p><br>
>     <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
> </cfoutput>
> </cfform>
> That is submitted through the form action to repverification which 
> the cookies.
> <cfoutput>
> <cfparam name="value1" default="">
> <cfparam name="counter" default="">
> <cfparam name="increment" default="0">
> <cfparam name="cookvalue" default="">
> <cfset counter = '1'>
> <cfset cookvalue = '#form.repname#'>
> </cfoutput>
> <!---  removes single and double quotes from entry --->
> <cfloop condition="counter lt len(FORM.repname)+1">
> <cfset value1='#counter#'>
> <cfif '#mid(form.repname,value1,1)#' EQ CHR(34) OR
> '#mid(form.repname,value1,1)#' EQ CHR(39)>
> <cfset cookvalue='#removechars(cookvalue,value1-increment,1)#'>
> <cfset increment = '#increment#' + 1>
> </cfif>
> <Cfset Counter = counter + 1>
> </cfloop>
> <!--- cookies --->
> <cfif isnumeric(form.repid) is 'yes' and len(form.repid) EQ 5>
> <cfapplication name="PerfTrack"sessionmanagement="Yes">
> <cfcookie name="repname" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="cfid" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="cftoken" expires="NOW">
> <cfcookie name="repid" expires="NOW">
> <cflock name="repvars"
> timeout="60"
> throwontimeout="Yes"
> type="EXCLUSIVE">
> <CFcookie NAME="repname"
>     VALUE="#cookvalue#"
>     EXPIRES="2" >
> <CFcookie NAME="repid"
>     VALUE="#form.repid#"
>     EXPIRES="2" >
>         </cflock>
> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content=".1; URL=nhrepmenu.cfm">
> <cfabort>
> <cfelse>
> The information you have provided as your ID is not numeric or does 
> contain 5 digits, please click back and enter the first 5 digits of 
> social security number.
> </cfif>
> Lastly the repmenu is pulled up.
> <cfquery name="blah" datasource="ncc" blockfactor="50">
> select #variables.mastertableansw#.fldname,
> #variables.mastertableansw#.fldid, 
> max(#variables.mastertableansw#.questionnumber) as maxquest,
> max(#variables.mastertable#.questnum) as maxq
> from #variables.mastertableansw#, #variables.mastertable#
> where fldname = '#cookie.repname#'
> and fldid = '#cookie.repid#'> and #variables.mastertableansw#.testnumber=
> #variables.mastertable#.testnumber
> group by #variables.mastertableansw#.fldname,
> #variables.mastertableansw#.fldid, 
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput>
> <cfif #blah.fldname# is ''>
> <cfparam name="newmark" default="">
> <cfset newmark = 'x'>
> <div align="center"><b>Our records indicate that you are a first 
> Please select from the following tests.</b></div>
> <cfelse><!-- this is the if that carries question and test number -->
> <b>Welcome Back #cookie.repname# your ID is #cookie.repid#
> #cookie.cftoken#</b>
> </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> The problem is that reps 1 - 20 all log in.  Some reps get to the 
> and get they're own information display...I.E. Rep 5 logs in and 
> "Welcome back rep5,"
> But many of the reps get someone elses info
> Rep 2 logs in and gets: "Welcome back rep 3"
> Rep 1 gets rep5
> rep 7 gets rep 3 as well.   etc.
> If anyone has ANY suggestions I would certianly appreciate it.  I 
have 12
> call centers full of trainees all waiting to take their tests.  I'm
> to feel sorry that I ever switched to cookies from session vars.
> Bryan Langford
> Analyst
> National Customer Operations
> Enterprise Services & Strategic Planning
> Training Development and Design Team.
> Bryan Langford
> Analyst
> National Customer Operations
> Enterprise Services & Strategic Planning
> Training Development and Design Team.
> >
> >
> >

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