I have a client with an ecommerce site (not quite finished yet).  

One of the issues is keeping the online inventory in sync with the in-store

He only has a dial up connection and one phone line, so he doesn't want to
be online all of the time.

He does have Access on his computer.

I know the SQL Server client tools have some sort of replication ability.

What I'm wondering ... and I'm hoping one of the SQL Server guru's here can
tell me if it's possible ... Can I use the SQL Server client tools to, on a
daily basis, replicate his inventory in-store with the main SQL Server?  And
is there a way to daily have the two databases talk to each other and figure
out which inventories have changed (the in-store database will have
modifications each day as will the online database).

And to complicate matters further, the client has two store locations and
that inventory should be in synch, also.

Just in theory, is this a solvable issue using the tools available?

Howard Owens
Internet Operations Coordinator
AIM: GoCatGo1956

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