Can you "submit" the data back to the form page... maybe loop through the
formfields list and create a batch of hidden fields with a form to go back
to the entry page, then the pop-up javascript does.

Something along the lines of ...

from name="resubmit" action="form1.cfm"
    cfloop list="#form.formfields#" delimiter="," index="ffield"
      input type="hidden" name="#ffield#" value="#Evaluate(form.#ffield#)#"

  alert('you messed up the form.  please fill it out right');

You'd need to set up your action page to handle the values being passed back
to it, but that's one solution to what you're wanting.

The other idea is to move the validation to the data page using Javascript
and an OnSubmit validation method.

C. Hatton Humphrey, Developer
Fisher, Towne & Associates
716-839-2141 x336

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:42 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Page Expired Show stopper..
> Dude!
> Is there a way to do this without err..rewriting the entire form?
> Because that ain't possible right now :)
> It’s a pretty complicated dynamic form. Is there anything extra that I
> can add to the form to prevent it from reloading or something like that?
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gel,
> The problem here isn't your code, it's to do with the browser settings -
> if it's a secure connection then it would HAVE to clear the form out
> My suggestion would be to represent the form with the wrong fields
> hilighted... Make your form a CFInclude one and then just display the
> results again
> I personally HATE the "Press back and complete the entries you have
> missed" forms, esp if you have your browser set to refresh the page on
> every visit!
> Philip Arnold
> Technical Director
> Certified ColdFusion Developer
> ASP Multimedia Limited
> T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
> F: +44 (0)20 8686 7911
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