Reed, my experience with Advanced Security is not very positive and I think
your point re Neo and it's Siteminders apparent none use is a good one.  I
know that someone re-wrote these facilities for Advanced Security for
Spectra in a non-Siteminder environment the URL of the current Spectra open
source project is you
might find something there.

As an alternative and if you use Fusebox there are a couple of tags I have
used (app_secure and app_logon.cfm) that work really well in Fusebox.  Hope
this helps.

Mike Brunt
Sempra Energy

"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features." 

-----Original Message-----
From: Reed Powell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 5:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Setting up Advanced Security on Win2K

The server that's been hosting my intranet site is finally
moving from NT40/WebsitePro to Win2k/IIS.  For user
authentication against the NT domain, I've been using the
Intranet Hosting Toolkit's CFX_USERS function, which has
worked flawlessly.  However, in testing on the new Win2k/IIS
server, I cannot get it to work at all, and the software is
now what its author refers to as "abandonware," so it's
probably a good idea to move on to something with support.

It looks like Advanced Security is the ticket, now that I
have more control politically over how the server is being
setup and configured. I don't really need all the policy
capabilities that come with Advanced Security, just to be
able to use <CFAUTHORIZE> to get a yes/no on a specific
username/password combination from the NT domain.

I've read everything I can find, including notes from both
DevCon2000 and DevCon2001, and it doesn't look too hard to
setup. The Allaire docs talk about being able to use an
Access database for storing the policy data, which is good
because we are not (yet) running SQL server (that's another
dream for another day and another server).  Which is also
where the problems start.

When I start configuring Advanced Security, the first thing
that the Wizard wants is the info on the SQL database that
has already been created.  No options I can find for using
an Access database.  How do I do this?

I noticed a note in the Allaire docs about problems with
SiteMinder and the use of an Access database for the
Advanced Security policies.  What I cannot find much written
on is just when in the scheme of things SiteMinder gets
involved.  If all I do is to setup a single policy on a
single (dummy) resource, so that I can use CFAUTHORIZE as
mentioned above, does SiteMinder get involved?  Can I
eliminate the involvement of SiteMinder completely (since it
is going away in Neo anyway, why start using it now?!)?

thanks everyone!


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