I try it for CF 4.5 Server Prof on Win2K Prof. Have the same problem. Double
Log entry for no cfoutput.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Garza, Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 12:04 PM
Subject: RE: Templates executing twice CF bug

> Ran your test code and I only got a single log entry.  Running CF5 Single
> User on Win2kPro.  Will try in the morning on Full Enterprise CF5 on
> Advanced Server.
> Jeff Garza
> Webmaster/Lead Developer
> Spectrum Astro, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Max Paperno
> To: CF-Talk
> Sent: 12/10/01 9:29 PM
> Subject: Templates executing twice CF bug
> Greetings,
> I've identified a somewhat minor but possibly damaging bug in CF 5.
> It's pretty strange, but true.  Zac Belado has confirmed that this was
> also the problem in his case (see his "Page Processing Twice" message
> from earlier today).  It seems to only affect CF5 (4.5 was also tried)
> but so far only tested on W2K.
> The bug causes a template to be executed twice by the CF engine.  It
> literally runs everything connected to the request twice (all includes,
> parent template, etc).  There is no indication of this unless you have
> data that is noticeably affected (such as inserting DB records).  The
> HTTP request is not doubled, only the actual CF code execution.  This is
> not browser or Web server-related in any way.
> The cause seems to be missing cfoutput tags around a variable call, and
> apparently specifically in an IMG tag (some others were tried with no
> problems surfacing).  So some code like this:
> <img src="#variables.someVariable#/test.gif">
> (w/out cfoutput tags anywhere around it) will cause double execution.
> Wrap it in cfoutputs (or in comments) and the problem goes away.
> Strange, no?
> So strange that I wrote a test for this.  I've pasted my test template
> below, but if your email client makes it unreadable then you can also
> download a version here <http://www.WorldDesign.com/CF/BugTest.cfm.txt>.
> Instructions are in the comment. I'll also submit this to MM.
> Comments welcome.
> Cheers,
> -Max
> BugTest.cfm
> -------------------
> <!---
>         This test template demonstrates an apparent bug in ColdFusion
> v.5 that causes a template to be executed twice per request.
> Run this template and look for a file named BugTestLog.txt in the same
> folder as the template. It should have 2 entries with exact same
> date/time stamp every time you request this template. As you can see
> there is no HTTP redirection/reload involved and the browser only
> requests the template once (check your web server log to verify).  There
> is apparently no way to tell that the execution is happening twice
> except by looking at external events (like the log file double entry in
> this example).
> The cause seems to be missing cfoutput tags around a variable call, and
> apparently specifically in an IMG tag (some others were tried with no
> problems surfacing).  Putting cfoutput or CF comment tags around the
> variable call will solve the issue (try it and then check the log file
> -- you should now only see one time stamp per request).
> So far this has only been confirmed on CF5 with Windows 2000.  CF 4.5 on
> NT4 was also tried and did not exhibit this behavior.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   12/10/01
>  --->
> <cfset logDir = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath())>
> <cfset logFile = logDir & "BugTestLog.txt">
> <cflock timeout="5" throwontimeout="Yes" name="writeTestLogFile"
> type="EXCLUSIVE">
>         <cffile action="APPEND" file="#logFile#" output="Ran at #Now()#"
> addnewline="Yes">
> </cflock>
> <cfset someVariable = "test">
> <!--- the presence of the following line without cfoutput tags
>         around it will cause this template to execute twice --->
> <img src="#variables.someVariable#/test.gif">
> -----------------------------
> Maxim Paperno, CTO
> World Design Group, Inc.
> [ CF Development and Hosting since 1996 ]
> <http://www.WorldDesign.com/>
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