Guys I want to share something with you!!

Depending on your application design, I would be hesitant to say that
you either have a case of <cfmodule blah="" /> or <cfmodule
blah=""></cfmodule> somewhere as explained for a Tag to run twice it has
to be called twice and the above does this.

However let me tell you something else that a lot of you newer
developers tend to have forgotten. HTML is not parsed via CF they are
passed back to IIS to deal with. There has been times I have looked at
code and know that it should work. But with the advent of DHTML, each
browser does it differently. But there is one tag (I don't recall) I
tried to give it an ID attribute and found that I had to make sure it
was in a certain spot for the class attribute to work.

Anyway I am ranting again, but the point is I could not duplicate it
here under W2K Professional and Windows XP but I am also very well
patched with MS patches etc so maybe as I stated it is an IIS problem!!

Anyone wish to try under Linux/Solaris servers or even Apache?

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