hmmm how many zipcodes are we talking, and which database? and how many
total records?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Bost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Speeding up select queries

This query takes about 47ms to execute, which I can live with that:

<cfquery name="getlateorders" datasource="#AppDSN#">

SELECT FileNo, Order_ID, Appraiser_ID, HouseNo, Street, UnitNo, City, Cou
State_ID, Date_Ordered,time_ordered,Appt_Date,Appt_Time,AMorPM, Lender_ID
, Zip,
(SELECT State FROM T_States WHERE State_ID = O.State_ID) AS State, (SEL
Client_ID FROM T_Lenders WHERE Lender_ID = O.Lender_ID) AS Client_ID

  FROM T_Orders O WHERE   StatusType_ID = 3 AND Appt_Time < #DateAdd("h
", -


BUT when I add this to the same query:

AND Zip IN (#ziplist#)

It takes anywhere from 45 to 50 seconds to execute. ziplist is a variable
from a session.ziplist that contains the user's authorized zipcodes. It j
started going slow, maybe there is a threshold after so many zipcodes are
the list it will slow things down tremendously ?

Quoting Sandy Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> General rules of thumb I use.
> Avoid Select *  always specify your fields.
> Fastest is to select fields in the following datatype order, integers,
> numeric, strings according to field size.  Memo or Long text fields are
> always last.  The latter one is most important because all fields
> selected
> after a long text field will load as unbound fields and will slow the
> sql
> way down.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tracy Bost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:22 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Speeding up select queries
>  What is the best approach to speed up "select" statements with a
> sql2000
> database? The data is constantly being updated,deleted,inserted, throug
> out
> the day with each user seeing data depending on his/her access level an
> assigned zip codes. I worry that using cachedwithin will not work in
> this
> senario, as using that will not allow to show data that has recently
> changed.
> ANY help, thoughts much appreciated.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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