Thanks Len for your suggestion

We will still use ArcIMS accessed via a password area for community groups
to change their maps. This will be hosted elsewhere. ESRI has been helping
us out so would be a bit opportunist to "jump ship".

The maps will be batch generated and stored as static jpeg files accessed
via the coldfusion site for general public to look at or download.

>NZERN (a volunteer non-profit environmental group) needs to display several
>thousand maps as jpg files on a coldfusion site. The users need to be able
>to move from one map to the next by up/down left/right nav keys. Also zoom
>in/out. Anyone got any insites into how to approach this task.

We have a solution dynamic mapping for Coldfusion using MapInfo as a
dynamic map generator. the maps are gifs drawn in real time. zoom in/out,
pan, find nearest, populate the map with various POI, etc, etc. it's of
course an OEM tool need integration with your specific maps.

>Our development box is win2000, access 2000, IIS 5, CF which matches our
>hosting ISP. The database will move over to SQL7 mid year.

as you must know, access sucks at any volume. I doubt the rate of queries
to support our dynamic mapping solution will be supported by Access.

>ESRI/Eagle Technology donated ArcView for producing the maps. ARCIMS Server
>is an option but it requires high bandwidth and IE5. We need a simpler
>solution to cater for conservationists with old browsers/pcs and slow

For our CF MapInfo dynamic GIS, you'd need MapInfo MapxSite license, plus
our stuff. not cheap.

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