> ESRI/Eagle Technology donated ArcView for producing the maps. ARCIMS
> is an option but it requires high bandwidth and IE5. We need a simpler
> solution to cater for conservationists with old browsers/pcs and slow
> modems.

my shop like yours is a not-for-profit environment organization & we're a
dyed-in the-wool ESRI shop. i, for one, applaud your loyalty to ESRI. that
company has been nothing but good to the environment/conservation movement
for as long as i can remember. arcIMS is a pretty good product & the fact
that it comes with a cf connector just shows you how smart ESRI is ;-) but
it can be a bear to feed & care for.

that said, if bandwidth & hardware (your arcIMS server needs to be darned
powerful) are issues and since it seems you already have the data, you might
take a look at mapserver from the univ of minnesota:
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/index.html  fast, free & opensource. reads
shapefiles as well as connects to arcSDE (and oracle spatial, postGIS, etc.)
and handles geocoded imagery in a number of formats (geoTIFF for instance).
comes out-of-the box in a cgi flavor that works quite well with cf. here's a
simple cf/cgi mapserver app: http://www.tei.or.th/eic/maps/efaults/index.cfm
mapserver's not nearly as functional as arcIMS, but it suits most of the
internet GIS users' basic needs. i strongly urge you to have a look at this

we've ported (alpha) mapserver to a cfx tag (and somehow lost the arcSDE
functionality) for even tighter connection to cf (if you want to be beat
black & blue with alpha cfx_mapServer, drop me a line off-list).

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