Unless you want the left hand side variable name to be dynamic, then 
don't need the pounds.  
i.e.  <CFIF Left(x, 6) IS "Image_">
(The dynamic bit would be something like <cfif "MyVar_#x#" eq SomeVal>)

Next, I would do a trim and upper case around the 'x' variable to 
ensure you
are always comparing apples to apples
i.e.  <CFIF Left(ucase(trim(x)), 6) IS "IMAGE_">

And finally, you do not need the CFOUTPUT tags in this case - it's a 
when you are dealing with strings in most of the CF tags.  You would
normally only use CFOUTPUT when you are putting values to the page for


Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Sorge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFFile

I am using CF File to upload some files to a server. The problem is 
that the
field name is dynamically created. So, since I do not know the exact 
name of
the field, I am trying use the dynamic field name. The problem is that 
cannot use # signs in the filefield attribute. Any assistance would be
appreciated. Below is my code. 

<CFLoop List = "#FORM.FieldNames#" Index = "x"> 
        <CFIF #Left(x, 6)# IS "Image_"> 
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="#Evaluate(x)#"
<cfquery datasource="#Application.DSN#" name="qInsertCoupon"> 
Insert Into Image (V_ID, Img_Location) 
Values (1, '#File.ServerDirectory#\#File.ServerFile#') 

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