Are you sure that the "relationships" are only used in the Access GUI?  My
understanding is that they were true constraints.

I'd recommending building your schemas the "right" way - for "practice" sake
and for future robustness of those applications.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 9:31 AM
Subject: Defining internal DB relationships necessary?

> My only work with databases is through ColdFusion, largely
> Access.
> In designing the tables, Access forces you to define a Primary
> Key, but I've only ever used the Relationships view where
> you define the actual relationships for visualisation purposes.
> Most of the sites I've done have been relatively straight-
> forward, and even though to start with I made myself draw
> up table schemas to get the relationships right, I can usually
> just run DB designs off without too much planning now.
> I always saw the relationships defined *in Access* as being
> only relevant to people using the DB with a front-end
> designed in Access itself. I deal with all constraints and so
> on via the CF code, validating forms, etc.
> However, I've just got round to creating tables via SQL,
> and studying the syntax for this I've wondered if specifying
> constraints, keys, etc., for explicit definition in the structure
> of the DB is necessary...
> Is it best to do it, but not essential for small apps with
> good form validation? What are the problems involved if
> you just create a table with the datatypes and defaults,
> no constraints?
> My basic start for learning bits of SQL is Ben Forta's
> 'SQL in 10 Minutes', and none of the CREATE TABLE
> examples use anything other than datatype and default
> definitions. Is this misleading?
> Any comments/advice on this topic welcome!
> - Gyrus
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> work:
> play:
> - PGP key available
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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