There would be an error, but IMHO, *this is a good thing* - during
development, it would illustrate an area where data integrity was being
violated, and allow you to fix the problem (cascading deletes through
triggers, or done manually through cfml)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Defining internal DB relationships necessary?

> > Well here is my thought. As far as my DB is concerned I fully use
> > creating a pri key and foreign key relationships where needed on all my
> > tables. This helps so much in avoiding someone delteting something from
> > one table that relies on something in another table.
> As I said, I do rigorous checks in the CF app for this sort of stuff.
> I think my initial reasoning was, I'd like to control error-checking at
> the app level. So, if someone tried to delete a record whose PK is
> related to several FK's in other tables, I'd do a query to check, and
> tell them why they can't delete.
> I just thought, if I rely on the DBMS, it might prevent the deletion,
> but the page might break and I don't know what sort of error
> message they'd get, whether it would be friendly or not. What
> *would* happen if such a delete was attempted on a DB that
> had rigorous relationships defined, but where the app had no
> checks? What would the user see in the return page? Would it
> break the generated CF? Or would the "success" page show,
> despite the fact that the DELETE was rolled back (with no
> indication that it had failed)?
> I know this is what <CFTRY> is for, but I just opted to spend
> time coding app-based checks rather than defining relationships and
> coding error handling. Anyways, isn't <CFTRY> kind of generic,
> as in, you could catch DB errors but not really know what's
> gone wrong?
> > Another reason for
> > doing this is that I use SQL 2K and use the diagram feature alot since I
> > have several tables and I can see how each table relates to the others
> > in the schema, as you mentioned.
> Yeah, some Access DB's I've done *do* have relationships
> defined, because I've defined them so I can visualise them,
> or need to present a design to a client.
> I actually came to this question because I'm building a
> developer toolkit in my new backend CMS template,
> which contains a pretty basic system for creating
> and altering DB tables online. It's become a lot more
> complex than I intended, but I am giving the option
> to index specific fields, requiring default value if NULL
> not allowed, forcing definition of PK field on creation
> of new table, etc.
> I just looked at some sample SQL in 'SQL in a Nutshell'
> and wondered about spending another few nights coding
> all the constraints code for SQL definition of
> relationships... :-|
> - Gyrus
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> work:
> play:
> - PGP key available
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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