On 1/12/02, Jim Vosika penned:
>       I know it's late but I have a newbie question for anyone awake.
>I am trying to make a text link that would sort records from a query. I
>would like to pass the parameter through the URL that says which column
>to sort by but can't figure out how. This brings up another question, am
>I using SQL/CFML properly to sort records on the fly. If you could tell
>me how to pass the url variable that would be wonderful! Here is my code
>so far:

Hi Jim. This is the easiest way, but less secure as it will display 
the table names and allow for someone to manually enter a string to 
pass to the query:

<CFPARAM NAME="url.orderBy" default="vehicleType">

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="test" NAME="listVehicles">
FROM Table1
ORDER BY #url.orderBy#

                <td align=center><b><a 
href="mypage.cfm?orderBy=vehicleType">Vehicle Type</a></b></td>
                <td align=center><b><a 
                <td align=center><b><a 
                <td align=center><b><a 

To add some security, we could check for the valid url variables, 
changing them to something a little shorter and hiding the table 
names in the process:

<CFPARAM NAME="url.orderBy" default="vt">

<cfswitch expression="#url.orderBy#">
<cfcase value = "my">
<cfset variables.orderBy = "modelYear">
<cfcase value = "mn">
<cfset variables.orderBy = "manufacturerName">
<cfcase value = "vd">
<cfset variables.orderBy = "vehicleDescription">
<cfset variables.orderBy = "vehicleType">

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="test" NAME="listVehicles">
FROM Table1
ORDER BY #variables.orderBy#

                <td align=center><b><a 
href="mypage.cfm?orderBy=vt">Vehicle Type</a></b></td>
                <td align=center><b><a 
                <td align=center><b><a 
                <td align=center><b><a 

This way if anyone manually enters anything other than orderBy=vt (or 
my, mn or vd) vehicleType will be passed to the Order By clause in 
the query. Plus as I said, you won't be revealing the table names.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

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