I want to perform an action based upon the http_referer CGI variable; in a
nutshell, I have a form that I am using for administration.  Enter the URL
of the page that you want to administer in the form (template name is
clearpage.cfm), submit it, and I use <cflocation> to redirect to that page
(also tried using a meta refresh tag):

<cfif isDefined("FORM.submit") and len(trim(FORM.submit)) GT 0>
 <!--- <meta http-equiv="Refresh"
content="0;url=<cfoutput>#FORM.page_to_clear#</cfoutput>"> --->
 <cflocation url="#FORM.page_to_clear#" addtoken="No">
<form action="clearpage.cfm" method="post">
 <input type="text" name="page_to_clear">
 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

...the final page checks for the cgi.http_referer, and if it exists, it
performs a specific action:

<cfif CGI.http_referer CONTAINS "clearpage.cfm">
...do something...

  However, the http_referer variable is always returned as http://localhost/
without the directory or script information.

Any ideas as to what's going on here?



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