In general Content Management as it applies to the refers to a system that
people use to add/edit/delete all of the content on their site.

Content can be as simple or complex as the users/developers/clients

It its most simple for an automated content management system would allow a
person to edit part of the text on a page in a site. It is most complex 
form it would be broken down into different function, some of which could 
only be performed by certain people with access.

It would allow people to edit content in almost any format, including PDF,
Word, Visio etc.

It would allow people to determine who should have access to what content.

To sum it all up. A way for one party to manage what other parties can see.

At 12:57 PM 1/15/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>To me, Content Management is one of those terms which is used to describe a
>process, but leaves room for interpretation.
>If Content Management means what I think it does (web managed system for
>adding content to a web site), it could be useful.  But does this mean the
>added content is HTML files? database fields presented in HTML? PDF files?
>Word files?, etc.
>I guess what I'm looking for is a system where a user can upload a file of
>any given format, and have the system automagically tie it into the public
>side of the site.  Is this the purpose of Content Management?
>Thus far, to allow this type of features, I've been making the user enter
>the data into a web based form, which populates a database, and then
>presenting the data as required.  Is there an easier way??
>Thanks for any info... and I appologize for my ramblings...
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