As a fan of history (more of geeky interest in it - I'm not a "history buff"
because I'm not "buff" in my history knowledge) this sounds fascinating.  I
would try to keep the vision of the museum in mind when you start doing
application design and data modeling.  Try to model it the same way the
museum does - either by geographical context, or by date, etc.  I've seen
many situations where the "data organization" didn't resemble the "real
world" organization used by the "real world" version of the group/business
etc that the site represented.  In other words, don't miss the forest for
the trees.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Grover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 2:45 PM
Subject: Looking for suggestions for a Virtual Museum

> One of the sites I volunteer my time for is considering putting their
> online (a virtual museum).
> I'm looking for ideas on how to accomplish this.  When they say "virtual
> museum" they simply mean providing access to some/most/all of the museum
> resources online.  We do not necessarily need a VRML environment (and I'd
> rather avoid the extra complexity).  So basically a search engine to their
> resources.
> I have considered taking the content management route (meaning they upload
> Word/PDF/Image/etc. files, and it gets mapped into the site
> but am not yet convinced this is the best solution.  Most of the museum
> artifacts are old magazines, pilot and maintenance manuals and such - well
> suited for content management I think.  But I'm not sure if a CM system
> would be able to handle our particular needs for
> (I'd roll my own if we go this route, so that's not really a strong
> argument).  Unfortunately, they only have maybe 1% (if that) of their
> resources in digital format thus far.
> Anyone want to offer ideas on how to approach this project??  It would be
> great to hear from someone who has but museum resources online before.
> If it helps, here is their current website:  This
> is undergoing massive revisions (using the powers of Cold Fusion of
> course... <grins>) and will likely integrate with the "virtual museum"
> concept at a later date.
> Thanks for any feedback.  I think this project is a bit bigger than I
> thought when I first agreed to take it on, but hey, I gotta learn how to
> handle a project of this size sooner or later...
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