Just a thought, but since you know that the DB2 database is going to be
updated every night, why not schedule a process that runs nightly right
after the data import that does a bulk data transfer to your "active
database" (access or whatever)?  Then run your queries based on that.


> ... The data in question is updated once nightly. Since this caching
> mechanism was built long ago, I was wondering if today there was a better
> way to do what were doing, which is the following:
> In order to initially cache the web page, two variables are intially
> captured and inserted into an MS Access database (I know, I know). Those
> variables are Query and Params. The Query variable contains the page path
> and name, i.e. /Expert/Revenue/qryGetTotalRev.cfm, and the Params variable
> contains the name/value pairs, i.e.
> Control=#Control#&Reset=Y&GroupBy=#GroupBy#&SortName=Yes.
> Once the new record is inserted into this database, CFX_HTTPGET is used to
> create the page, display it for the user (just as a browser
> would), and also
> file it as a html page into a file folder with a unique name.
> The next time this page is hit, a query is run on the MS Access
> database to
> see if the page has been cached, and if so, looks up which html page
> contains the data so that next user that visits will see the cached html
> page, rather than hitting db2 to get the data. That cached html
> page is then
> served to the user using a cfinclude.
> I see this solution as having at least two problems. First, we're still
> hitting a database (an Access one at that), and second, it adds another
> layer of complexity - maintaining that Access database. I've
> since tried to
> cache all the queries into memory using CFIDE, but when I limit
> the maximum
> number of cached queries to 500, the cache only lasts about 20 minutes.
> We've got a Gig of memory on that box, so I'm thinking of increasing this
> number ten fold to see what happens. Thoughts?
> After doing some research, increasing the cached queries seems to be the
> only viable alternative. Any other ideas on how to approach this would be
> greatly appreciated. I've not yet done a direct comparison of the
> processing
> time of the db2 queried pages vs the Access pages, but I'm preparing to do
> just that.
> Thanks!
> Andrew Peterson
Dedicated Windows 2000 Server
  PIII 800 / 256 MB RAM / 40 GB HD / 20 GB MO/XFER
  Instant Activation · $99/Month · Free Setup
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