Yeah, but it's pretty hard to do that and maintain an 18 hour load in school
(if you were lucky enough to find a place that would hire a full-time
college student and pay them market)

Also, there's something to be said for sticking it out - it's by no means a
rule, but some companies don't like "job hoppers" (even though the situation
was well justified - some hiring manager are too dense to see between the
lines of your resume)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly OT - CF and Developers Fees

> Yes, it's easy to quit and get a job that pays at the very least 3 times
> as much. You are worth what you are paid. You being paid $6/hr tells
> future employers that you are inexperienced, desperate, or easily
> taken advantage of.
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
> > Id rather attempt to get a new pay rate than to just quit..its easy to
> it,
> > its not as easy to get what you believe in... it takes work, that is why
> I
> > polled the list for thoughts on rates.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:50 AM
> > Subject: Re: Slightly OT - CF and Developers Fees
> >
> >
> > > If you don't like it quit. Why do you have to work at the university?
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello Everyone,
> > > >
> > > > Can I get everyones opinion on something here...
> > > > Here at the University, student workers make no more than $6.00/hour
> > > > regardless of type of work. What do you think is a fair wage for
> one
> > >
> > > > who learns Cold Fusion on the job and applies it at their job on a
> ily
> > >
> > > > basis. Also, what do you think a fair wage is for someone who trains
> > > > staff on basic CF, SQL, and server management stuff? Right now I
> > > > about 25 hours a week at $6/hr and take 18 credit load semester....
> nd
> > >
> > > > am frankly working to change a few things, but I need some numbers
> > > > back me up so I am looking for any averages or thoughts you have.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > >
> > > > Mike
> > > >
> > > > PS---> Sorry for the off topic post on CF-Talk.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
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