I'd love to take a look at those UDFs.

Do they work with any lat/long values?  I'm asking because I have a DB with US zips 
and Canadian
postal codes all with lat/long values (to about 5 decimals I think).  The distance 
calculation that
I found is a pig to put it midly, so hopefully the UDFs can help me out ;-)


Bryan Stevenson
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Nunamaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: List of Cities

> The US Census agency has a free listing of lat/lon for zip codes at
> http://ftp.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/places.html
> I wrote a bunch of UDF's for latlon calculations and posted them at
> cflib.org about two weeks ago. I see they are still sitting in the
> submission queue.  <Why does it take two weeks to get to it guys?>
> If anyone needs the UDF's sooner, I can dig them out of the code I'm
> using at www.morervs.com.  Look at
> http://www.morervs.com/fb3/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.home and try the
> distance search.  I think that's the kind of thing you're after.
> I haven't seen how others do this but my solution was based on the fact
> that one degree of latitude is always equal to 60 nautical miles.  You
> take the distance for the radius of the search and convert it to
> nautical miles.  Then add that many degrees in a box around the starting
> point. If my search was 138 statute miles (about 120 Nautical miles),
> the 120 nautical miles is 2 degrees of arc at the earth's surface
> (Assuming the earth is a perfect sphere).  Do an SQL query to filter out
> the vast majority of records that fall outside of the box surrounding
> your origin... Something like
> Select *
> >From myzipcodedata
> Where lat between (targetlat-dist/(60*1.15)) and
> (targetlat+dist/(60*1.15))
>   AND lon between (targetlon-dist/(60*1.15)) and
> (targetlon+dist/(60*1.15))
> This leaves you with a rectangle that's CLOSE to a radius search.  All
> that's left to do is to loop through these records and actually
> calculate the distance and throw out the ones that exceed your search
> distance.  One degree of longitude is only equal to 60 NM at the
> equator.  The farther North you go, the smaller the distance gets until
> you get to the poles where it's zero.  Your initial box to filter
> records out is actually somewhat larger than your search distance but it
> will never be smaller than your search distance.
> If someone has a better way, I'd love to see it but this method works
> fairly quickly.
> Tom Nunamaker
> Paladin Computers
> Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
> http://www.toshop.com/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Curran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 12:29 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: List of Cities
> Hi,
> There are zipcode lists with LAT and LONG coordinates for each zipcode.
> http://www.zipinfo.com/products/products.htm
> You can calculate your route's slope, distance and direction using the
> codes, and then look up intersection paths in the DB.
> Hope that helps.
> I've done this before, and it is actually pretty exciting when it starts
> working ;)
> - j
> jim.curran
> technical.director
> nylon.technology
> 212.691.1134
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duane Boudreau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 9:57 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: List of Cities
> I am faced with a rather interesting challenge.
> I will be working on an application that will help a company increase
> efficiency in shipping goods around the company. The company has its own
> fleet of shipping vehicles but occasional will use independents for
> small loads.
> What I need to figure out is if independent x from zip code z1 is
> driving to zip code z2 what cities/towns does the route pass through or
> close to (within 2 miles).
> TIA,
> Duane
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