try using locks. also oracle has checksums that you can use to make sure
that you are updating or inserting to the correct ID

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Angel Stewart wrote:

> I wrote an application that allows people to enter orders and time spent
> on a system.
> Today is the first day that the system has gotten any sort of load
> testing, although we attempted to do this previously.
> So today we are getting these types of errors, where it seems that Hours
> from John, are appearing for employee Jim when John enters them.
> What the hell could be going wrong here? I am using more than one Insert
> statement sometimes, as well as grabbing the next number in the sequence
> from Oracle in order to do an insert using the code:
> <CFQUERY name="qryGetLastID" datasource="relora" dbtype="Oracle80">
>       SELECT tblmainentry_seq.nextval AS ID
>       FROM dual
> It is wrapped in a CFTRANSACTION though, to attemtp to avoid this. But
> the input process is so complicated that there are several CFIF
> statements to check for conditions before final Inserts are written and
> to build insert statements dynamically.
> Any ideas?
> -Gel
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