> 1) with today's computer's, the speed issue shouldn't be an 
> issue at all.
> Unless you are doing something inside a loop over thousands 
> of iterations,
> on multiple websites (hosted on the same server) at the same time, the
> performance hit should be very minor.  If you are looping 
> through thousands
> of iterations, you expect a delay anyways.

Not having concrete data, I'd say that this is not something you can
just dismiss. Even if it worked for 90% of the web sites out there, the
last 10% of the sites would really hate having this thrown their throats
just because some coders can't be bothered to handle their own locking. 

Sorry if this sounds mean, but in some cases, I think the developer has
some responsibility. For example, we don't stop you from doing:

<cfinclude template="#url.file#">

I've seen sites that do this. Imagine what happens when you change
url.file in the query string to the current file.

Of course, _all_ languages let you hang yourself. One could argue about
where the responsibility of the developer ends and the vendor begins.
I'm no expert on this, and again, I work for the vendor but am speaking
as a developer. I'd like to hear what others think.

> 2) Why not offer a simple merged solution?  i.e. have CF Server
> automatically lock any variables, unless the developer has 
> explitly stated a
> lock beforehand.

This is certainly an idea - but again, my gut feeling is that this would
be slow.

Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Macromedia

Yahoo IM : morpheus

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