why don;t you write them to the session, and then when you relocate back,
have the session fill the values... simple and easy... have had to do that
with multipage forms before....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:06 PM
Subject: JS back?

> I'm testing for file size after posting a form. Is there a way to use
> javascript:history.back() to send me back to the form instead of having
> to pass all the form values back in the url of cflocation? (Also don't
> want to do the wddx thing because I have to use
> enctype="multipart/formdata" to submit the input type="file", and the
> only way I know to serialize the form data is to loop over the
> form.fieldnames and it in a structure. And with
> enctype="multipart/form-data" form.fieldnames plays out as the VALUES
> instead of the actual fieldnames.) I tried this:
> <cfif cgi.content_length LTE 10000><!---set for files 50k or less --->
> <cffile ACTION="Upload"
> FILEFIELD="photo"
> DESTINATION="D:/wserver/ediets/myediets/profile/photos/#form.username#"
> ACCEPT="image/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg,
> image/pjpeg">
> <cfelse>
> <cfset message="Your file is too big!">
> <body onload="javascript:history.back()"></body>
> </cfif>
> But it's sloppy. Any javascripters know if I could have an alert box to
> display the message. Then after you click OK it could do the
> javascript:history.back()?
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