Ok, when all else fails... Exactly what is the data you  are trying to
enter?  Do you have any quotes, double quotes, etc?  Perhaps it is the data,
not the statement, that is causing your problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Fongemie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Help, fresh eyes needed!

> Hello cf-talk,
>  On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, at 21:12:26 you carefully wrote:
> HH> What's the error?  Maybe you need preservesinglequotes?
> HH> Howie
> I get the following error:
> ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO
> The error occurred while processing an element with a general
> identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position..
> If I drop the semicolon I still get the error. I don't get it, I see
> nothing wrong with the query, so it may just be the DB. I have a super
> simple Access table with an autonumber key, and the three fields
> listed here, 2 text fields and a memo. required=no, zero length=yes,
> indexed =no.
> >> Hello cftalk,
> >>
> >>
> >>   Too long of a day. Cold fusion keeps telling me I have a syntax
> >>   error with this very simple insert. I see nothing wrong. Am I
> >>   missing something?
> >>
> >>
> >>  <cfquery name="AddRecord" datasource="andes" dbtype="ODBC">
> >>                 INSERT INTO tunetips
> >>                         (title,
> >>                         blurb,
> >>                         all)
> >>
> >>                   VALUES
> >>                         ('#Form.title#',
> >>                         '#Form.blurb#',
> >>                         '#Form.all#');
> >>         </cfquery>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Best regards,
>  Jeff Fongemie                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ------------------------
> Internet Guns For Hire
> (603) 356-0768
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