CFX_IMAGE  will do what you want, and a lot more.

not sure where you get it at the moment (look in this list's archive, it
will be there somewhere) but the latest version (1.4 I think) is thread

I have two very busy apps using it practically every page impression;
fast with no problems.

Note the help file - if you can call it that - is hopeless.  The earlier
version of it; CFX_GIFGD is not thread safe and has other problems but
has a much better help file to get you going and the basic syntax is the
same (CFX_IMAGE is much more versatile)

Gyrus wrote:
> I'm wanting to keep images uploaded within a certain size. I'm cursing
> CF a bit because I'm aware that PHP has image manipulation functions
> built-in (anyone know if there's similar stuff upcoming in CF Neo/MX?).
> Well, the only solutions I can find are CFX tags. Are there any
> recommendations for free tags that can resize images?
> Also, whether or not I use a CFX tag obviously depends on whether I
> *can* use it. We haven't settled on a host yet, so I've a more general
> question as well: how common/uncommon is it for shared hosting setups to
> allow CFX tags to be installed? Would I only be able to do this on a
> dedicated server?
> Any advice on this issue extremely welcome!
> - Gyrus
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> work:
> play:
> - PGP key available
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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