Pkzip has a command line version for self-extracting files. We use it to
distribute to non-literate users. No problems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Gurfein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 April 2002 01:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: 2 Zip or Not 2 Zip

1st, why not zip it all up in an .exe to unzip itself
2nd winzip has a command line zip (check their site) works like a charm and 
can be scheduled or run with cfexecute ... I'm not sure if it has an .exe 
version that's self extracting

Good luck in a sticky problem

At 07:20 PM 4/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>At 02:53 PM 4/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Thanks ... that's my feeling, but the programmer is giving me push back,
> >I'm trying to make sure I have all of my facts before I become too
> >about the rule.
> >
> >I'm searching google for COM objects now to see if any thing might be
> >available to do what the programmer wants.  Nothing I can find.
> >
> >Since I posted my original message, the developer and I have exchanged
> >messages and he has dug in his heels a bit "no zip."  I've asked him why,
> >with no answer so far.
> >
> >It's getting close to time, with permission from my boss at this point,
> >me to become obstinate and say the "zip way or the highway" (I could just
> >finish all the rest of my parts of the site and let the programmer figure
> >out from there).
> >
> >I'm still open to suggestions, however, if any developers reading this no
> >a non-file-compression solution.
>Fire the programmer.
>I get pretty stubborn myself sometimes, but I've done enough support/piece
>contract work to know the difference between what TPTB wanting being A)
>stupid and B) inconvenient. This is a B-sounding situation.
>btw, if you're searching for ZIP compression/decompression code for
>COM's... there's code all over the place just not necessarily related to
>COM's. Try looking at GZIP (it's compatible patent-free GNU). The ZIP
>compression algs aren't exactly fun to work with (well, for me they are --
>but I'm weird that way) but there's enough preexisting source code and
>library's out there you should be able to cobble something together in a
>few days (longer if starting from complete scratch).
>Also, as I mentioned before, if we're talking mp3's or any other highly
>compressed audio file, then ZIPping it up almost negligble compression
>benefits, so a simple non-compressed TAR of the file will work just as
>well. And TAR is trivial to code.

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