At 04:02 PM 4/28/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > Are there any resources out there for Wireless development
> > (with or without ColdFusion). I've already looked at
> >
> > The CF Wireless list at Bromby bounces back to me saying
> > that the list no longer exists. My primary interest is in
> > on-line resources, although if you want to redirect me to
> > a book or two, I won't be picky.
> >
> > I have the wrox beginner's book to WML, which is great
> > although a bit out of date.
>I don't think things have changed that much since the book came out, have
>they? I mean, WML is pretty simple and well-defined, and I don't think that
>the specifications have changed much.

  Well, it was written on version 1.2 of the spec.  Version 2.0 was 
released in January.  Based on what I have read, version 2.0 seems to 
support XHTML in addition to WML, which is something worth nothing.  I am 
unsure if there are wireless browsers that yet support the 2.0 standard, 
  Also it seems to focus on an emulator from, which no longer 
exists.  I can't get any of the examples to work with the openwave SDK.  ( 
<-- it could be me, though )

>As for Dylan's list, I think it's still up, but it's very low traffic. You
>might checkout WML is so ugly, though; if
>you can avoid working with it, good for you. It's a niche solution, and I
>think it'll quickly be overtaken by better alternatives.

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